The Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center

Pro Bono Architectural design services for a collaboration between the Stonewall Inn, Stonewall Inn Gives Back Initiative, and a leading NYC nonprofit. The Brief called for the creation of a welcoming LGBTQ+ resource center, and a visitor center located adjacent to the historic Stonewall Inn, centerpiece of the Stonewall National Monument in New York City.

The Center’s mission is “to preserve, advance, and celebrate the legacy of the Stonewall Rebellion and the Stonewall National Monument, the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center (SNMVC) will serve as a beacon for generations to come, providing the unique opportunity to visit the very site where history was made, and the fight for full LGBTQ+ equality began.”

The Center will be designed to attract visitors from around the world by communicating the history of LGBTQ+ rights movement through interactive displays, access online learning tools, and community talks. In addition, the project is to restore the iconic Stonewall Inn sign and other critical facade upgrades thus making the historic landmark whole again by returning it to its original 1969 footprint.

Ongoing/Construction, Completion June 2024.